Why Does My Dog's Stomach Look Bloated?
An unhealthy production of gases in the body does not happen overnight. Rather, long-term events cause the environment of “good” bacteria and microorganisms to deteriorate. The reasons for this are almost always an unsuitable diet of the dog or the misuse of chemical drugs (such as worm cures). In part, the causes of bloat can also be the absorption of for example chlorinated water or pesticides.
Bloat not only has an unpleasant odor, it can also have serious consequences for your dog. In most cases, permanent or recurrent bloat in your dog has serious consequences for their health. These include diarrhea, itching, allergies, arthritis, pain, gum problems, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, damage to nerves or tumors.
On the one hand, the gas pressure increases your dog’s stomach and intestines, causing changes in physical magnetic fields. In addition, the muscular and mucosal layers of these organs “wear out”. On the other hand, volatile gases penetrate through the intestinal wall and the peritoneum into the posterior fascia. These dry, harden and cramp. For your dog it is unpleasant, because this hardening can radiate to the neck, to the thoracic vertebrae or even to the spinal cord. Excessive gas formation is also responsible for disc calcifications, spinal cord infarcts, spondylitis or destruction of the spinal cord (degenerative myelopathy).
Chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa may be the cause of bloat. These inflammations cause damage to pancreatic function and liver, as well as renal metabolism. In addition, these are symptoms of deficiency (especially vitamin B, C, K and E, as well as zinc and trace elements) and a weakening of the immune system. Through a weakened and permeable intestinal mucosa, free radicals, foreign proteins and toxins can easily penetrate the blood and spread through the bloodstream throughout the dog’s body. At the same time, the function of red and white blood cells weakens.
As you can see, the excessive formation of gases in the intestine can cause a wide variety of health problems for your dog. But that’s no reason to worry. The advantage of bloat is that you can easily notice the signals and act immediately to resolve the condition.
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